The Project
The multi-year project includes the replacement of phase conductor dampers and the upgrade of the steel body and wing members to remediate known structural deficiencies on approximately 439 double circuit lattice towers on SaskPower’s A1B/A2B, A1Q/A2Q 230 kV transmission lines. The work comprises the supply and installation of steel tower body upgrade kits, overhead shield wire arm (OHSW) upgrade kits, and phase conductor arm upgrade kits as well as the energized replacement of existing torsional conductor dampers with new Mosdorfer phase conductor dampers. Allteck is also responsible for OHSW insulator removal and bonding of the OHSW to the tower structure along with the installation of OHSW spiral dampers.
Client: SaskPower
Owner: SaskPower
Category: Energized Services Transmission
Location: Aberdeen - Saskatoon, SK