Today, the Allteck Team replaced a series of BC Hydro Poles along 1555 Oceanspray Drive, North Saanich, BC V8L5J7. (May 18, 2016),
I must indicate the Allteck Team is totally effective and absolutely professional in what they do. Immensely impressed with their operation, their ‘get the job done’, in an incredibly orchestrated way; such was like music with a crescendo in final restoration of electrical power, four cement poles replaced in a matter of hours, truly outstanding.
I have no idea who was the Foreman or the members of this incredible team of some 14 persons, but I would sincerely desire them to be identified by the company and provided with my comments and acknowledgements. . Please also copy this note to the Company CEO and those who need to know, like BCHydro.
Outstanding work by all concerned.